About Us
Mandarin9 Provides Interactive Education & Comprehensive Understanding
Dear Student,
It’s our Great Pleasure to present you Mandarin9. After several years of intense team effort and devotion, we have developed Chinese Language Learning Materials 100% geared to make
learning fun. Seeing all the great feedback from our audiences hasgiven me the utmost of satisfaction as an educator, and has served as an encouragement for me to reach even higher.
I hope that you’ll enjoy your experience with us just like you do with everything else you enjoy, with a lot of laughter and excitement…and all while learning, and mastering, the Chinese
Language, in no time! Sincerely,

What We Provide.
Utilizing insights developed over the past few years about the e-learning experience, and in particular, to education on Chinese language and Beijing culture, Mandarin9 is a new creative education platform that focuses a high degree of attention on the detailed needs of its users.

Bridging cultural and language barriers and breaking down walls to make the world more connected through educational programs and serial programming is at the heart of our mission.

By making learning entertaining, we accelerate our users capacity to enjoy their accomplishments as well as the path they take to get there.

Bettering the lives of our users is essential to our success, so we cultivate a sense of reward by enriching the lives of our users, broadening horizons and connecting them to a larger world.